
  1. Privacy Policy

    1. At BRyte Consulting, we respect the importance of Your privacy, and we are committed to safeguarding Your personal information. We understand that how we collect, use, disclose and protect your information is important to you.

    2. In order to provide our Specific Services to You, we must collect personal information from You, and we will take all steps reasonable to ensure that your personal information is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.

    3. Our Privacy Policy sets out the way we collect, use, disclose, store, and protect Your personal information.

  2. Collecting Personal Information

    1. BRyte Consulting may collect the following types of personal information:

      • name;

      • gender;

      • physical address/mailing address

      • email address;

      • telephone number and other contact details;

      • age or date of birth;

      • passport or visa details;

      • family member details;

      • academic information (including transcripts, English language proficiency certificates);

      • Past visa refusals

      • Your dealings with other migration/education agents

    2. We will only collect sensitive personal information like criminal records, ethnicity, health and medical information about You if we have Your express or implied consent or if the law otherwise permits it.

    3. BRyte Consulting may collect personal information when You:

      • register on, or make use of, the Website;

      • request a service, product or good from BRyte Consulting; or

      • communicate with BRyte Consulting through correspondence, chats, email, or when You share information with BRyte Consulting from other social applications, services or websites.

  3. Use of Personal Information

    1. BRyte Consulting may collect, hold, use and disclose Your personal information for the following purposes:

      • to contact You;

      • to conduct BRyte Consulting’s business or provide You with services or products requested by You;

      • to enable You to access and use the Website;

      • to operate, protect, improve and optimise the Website, such as to perform analytics, conduct research and for advertising and marketing;

      • to send You information requested by You;

      • to prepare or lodge a visa application;

      • to prepare or lodge university/college (include such other educational institution) applications and other enrolment applications;

      • to send You marketing and promotional messages

      • verify the information for accuracy or completeness (including by way of verification with third parties);

  4. Accessing your personal information

    1. You can access the personal information BRyte Consulting holds about You by contacting BRyte Consulting using the information on the Website. BRyte Consulting may need to verify Your identity when You request Your personal information. If the access is unlawful, we will inform you why you are denied the access.

  5. Disclosure of Personal Information

    1. BRyte Consulting may disclose personal information for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy to:

      • Department of Home Affairs and such other similar bodies or institutions;

      • Universities, colleges, TAFE and such other similar bodies or institutions;

      • BRyte Consulting’s employees;

      • third party suppliers and service providers (including providers for the operation of BRyte Consulting Website or BRyte Consulting’s business or in connection with providing BRyte Consulting’s products and services to You);

      • contractors;

      • web hosting providers and IT systems administrators,

      • existing or potential agents, business partners or partners;

    2. You acknowledge and agree that BRyte Consulting provides Your personal information to Other Providers as Your agent.

  6. Security

    1. BRyte Consulting may hold Your personal information in either electronic or hard copy form.

    2. BRyte Consulting takes reasonable steps to protect Your personal information from misuse, interference and loss, as well as unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.